Unique Feature - Automatic Pressure Relief Valve (APRV)

Dolium one-way kegs feature an innovative and patented 'Automatic Pressure Relief Valve' (APRV). Its dual purpose allows: Automatic Pressure Release during storage or transport, if pressure exceeds 5 BAR. The valve then automatically closes when it reaches 2 BAR Manual Activation - to release pressure or depressurize the disposable keg after emptying
Dolium one way keg safety valve
Dolium One Way Kegs Why Us 1


Dolium® manufactures 100% recyclable kegs, meaning no return trip, no cleaning, no loss and no waste. Dolium sustainable PET kegs help lower CO2 emissions by being lighter than steel, cheaper to transport. No chemicals are required to clean them either.


Dolium® manufactures under the highest standards of quality.
In addition to the hundreds of sensors, scanners, and cameras incorporated into assembly process, Dolium® checks more than 50 different parameters on each keg before it is released to our customers.

Also available upon request, Dolium® has a full testing workup covering topics such as drop testing, burst testing, pressure testing, leak testing, microbiological testing, etc

Keg Design

Dolium one-way kegs are designed to be compatible with all existing filling and draught equipment, and the only one-way PET keg with an automatic pressure release valve. The optimized keg geometry and light weight means logistics savings in both inbound and outbound, reducing average transport costs by 60%. They will also fit better in your draught system.

Cost Efficiency

There is a sound business case for replacing traditional returnable stainless steel kegs with Dolium single-use PET kegs. Switching is easy and will deliver a reduction in overall operating costs. Dolium single-use PET kegs represents less hassle, less waste and less expense.

Compared to stainless steel kegs Dolium® offers:

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Compared to other one-way kegs Dolium® offers:

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